Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation focused on mental health training and research. Our core work is to develop MHFA courses, and train Instructors to deliver these courses to their communities or workplaces. MHFA courses are delivered across Australia and internationally. MHFA courses teach members of the public how to provide initial help to a person who is developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until appropriate professional help is received, or the crisis resolves.

Introduction to Mental Health First Aid Courses - Around 1 in 5 Australian adults experience a common mental illness each year. Understanding how to talk about mental health and help someone in need are important skills. Many people feel uncomfortable and unprepared when thinking about starting a conversation with someone they are concerned about. At a Mental Health First Aid course, you will learn how to recognise the signs and symptoms of mental health problems and learn the skills to feel confident and able to help. Having mental health first aid skills means that you can assist someone developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis and make a real difference to your community.

Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace. More and more workplaces are realising the impact of mental health problems at work on their people and productivity. Encouraging early helpseeking is one way to promote a mentally healthy workplace. This is where Mental Health First Aid can help. Mental health first aid is an evidence-based training course which gives your employees the skills and confidence to have supportive conversations with their co-workers and help guide them to professional help if needed. It has been shown to increase knowledge, confidence and helping behaviours, and reduce stigma. Statistics around Mental Health in the Workplace 1 in 5 Australian adults experiences a mental illness in any given year. Mental ill health costs Australian workplaces $4.7 billion in absenteeism, $1.6 billion in presenteeism and $146 million in compensation claims per year.1 Only 22% of full-time workers with signs of common mental illness receive treatment for their mental health problems.

The 12-hour Standard Mental Health First Aid course teaches any adult (18 years and over) how to provide initial support to someone who is experiencing a mental health problem or crisis. Learn about the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems in adults, how to provide initial help, where and how to get professional help, what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective, and how to provide first aid in a crisis situation.

I am able to deliver the Standard Mental Health First Aid Course Face to Face or fully online.  I am also accredited to deliver the 4 hour Refresher Course for those people who have completed a SMHFA Course previously to extend their Accreditation for a further 3 years. 

For further information on courses available go to Mental Health First Aid Australia 

or email if you would like to book a privately run SMHFA or Refresher Course.