Reset Your Thinking
- Mental Health First Aid Training, Mindfulness and Self-Care for your Wellbeing -
❈ Welcome to Reset Your Thinking
Hi, I am Mel. I am a licensed Standard Mental Health First Aid Australia Instructor and Youth Mental Health First Aid Australia Instructor and a member of the Meditation Association of Australia.
Reset Your Thinking started after years of working in the Community Services Sector and watching workers giving everything they had to their work and caring for others until they eventually were burning out or having very little energy left outside of work to prioritise their own lives. I was also feeling burnt out and overwhelmed and like work was always my priority. I started to explore mindfulness practices and found some grounding and a new sense of resilience. Curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to know more about the science behind mindfulness. I went back to studying and completed a Graduate Certificate in Applied Mindfulness. A lot of what I studied looked at the Neuroscience behind Mindfulness and the evidence that programs such as Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindful Self Compassion (MSC) can make significant positive changes to our lives. I completed both courses and found I had a whole shift in my mindset.
I am a licensed Standard and Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor and see MHFA as an essential first step in raising awareness around mental health and wellbeing and starting the conversation.
Reset Your Thinking is a start in thinking about your mental wellbeing and selfcare, a reset in your thinking about yourself, a reminder that your needs matter and that you need time to rest and take care of your own wellbeing and remind those you care about and work with to do the same.
Why mindfulness?...
❈ Why mindfulness
Workers in caring professions are at a high risk of burnout and being impacted by vicarious trauma. I have seen (and been one of) many workers who don't take breaks and work long hours, they have little time to make themselves a priority and look after themselves. Mindfulness gives us an opportunity to be present and fully aware of what is happening for us, without judgement. Self-care practices help us attend to our own needs and keep ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually as well as possible.